2018 Henry Awards’ sensibilities go for Arvada Center
The Arvada Center took home eight of the 28 competitive awards, including Outstanding Production of a Play for its contemporary adaptation of Sense and Sensibility — on wheels.
The Arvada Center took home eight of the 28 competitive awards, including Outstanding Production of a Play for its contemporary adaptation of Sense and Sensibility — on wheels.
Opened three plays in as many days for the Utah Shakespeare Festival’s 2017 season.
Twenty years after his arrival at the Denver Center, Geoff Kent is as busy as any kid ever was trying to break into the business. In short, he continues to practice pretty much every theatre discipline he ever learned – at the same time.
As the villainous Iachimo, Kent could have easily gone the Iago route, playing the character as a straightforward baddie. Instead, Kent infuses Iachimo with comedy and no small amount of heart, a touch that brings the heart of the show to the fore.
Geoffrey Kent, who also choreographed the fights, embodies interesting contradictions in this role: You sense the powerful fighter beneath the louche, sloppy appearance that Achilles first presents; later, you sympathize with his genuine agony at the death of Patroclus — it feels deeper than anything you’ve seen from Troilus or Cressida — and then within minutes you’re despising him for his sleazy tactics.
Kent has great fun with Achilles… His charm and confidence warm the audience immediately, setting them up for chills later when less heroic and more vicious choices begin to be made.
While the scope is smaller, there’s still some exciting action. Since the Dairy Arts Center is being renovated, BETC is staging this show at the much larger Lone Tree. This allows for some terrific swordfights, staged by fightmeister Geoffrey Kent.
“She Kills Monsters” is a brilliant collaborative effort, and the ultimate date night for gamer couples — or gamers whose partners want a better grasp of the obsession.
Collins already has committed to three longtime Denver Center favorites: Geoffrey Kent, Sam Gregory and Josh Robinson, as well as Creede Repertory Theatre’s Emily Van Fleet.
…a shoutout for the brilliantly kinetic wrestling match between Jones and William Oliver Watkins’s Charles, staged by fight master Geoffrey Kent…
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